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  • 2022_CHANCE-topical-day
    01 April '22

    Review CHANCE Topical Day presentations

    Characterisation of conditioned radioactive waste: Status, challenges and developments

    During this CHANCE Topical Day (organized on March 21, 2019) the current needs, scientific evolutions and CHANCE highlights concerning conditioned waste characterization using non-destructive techniques was highlighted.

  • CHANCE-webinar-rewatch-video-youtube
    01 February '22

    Rewatch the 3rd CHANCE webinar on 'Muon Tomography’

    On January 25nd, CHANCE organized its second webinar on “Muon Tomography". Muon tomography is a non-destructive technique to image objects from a safe distance. It utilizes the ever-present cosmic radiation and thus does not require additional radiation sources. Due to the highly penetrating nature of muons, it is possible to image the insides of large objects, ranging from nuclear waste drums to pyramids and volcanoes. As such it is an ideal tool to determine the contents and condition of nuclear waste materials in containers like waste drums up to CASTOR storage casks.

  • Webinar
    21 January '22

    Webinar 25/01: 'Muon Tomography'

    Muon tomography is a non-destructive technique to image objects from a safe distance. It utilizes the ever-present cosmic radiation and thus does not require additional radiation sources. Due to the highly penetrating nature of muons, it is possible to image the insides of large objects, ranging from nuclear waste drums to pyramids and volcanoes. As such it is an ideal tool to determine the contents and condition of nuclear waste materials in containers like waste drums up to CASTOR storage casks.

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