Regia autonoma tehnologii pentru energia nucleara
Description of the organization and its main tasks
The activities developed in the frame of CHANCE project will be performed in the Institute for Nuclear Research (RATEN ICN), a subsidiary of the national state-owned company Regia Autonoma Tehnologii pentru Energia Nucleara (RATEN).
The Institute for Nuclear Research (RATEN ICN) is a complex RD&D centre created in 1971 to provide the scientific and technical support to the national nuclear energy program. Its activity covers a wide range of nuclear fields such as nuclear safety, nuclear fuel and materials, reactor physics, radioactive waste management, radioprotection.
RATEN coordinates the RD&D programme on Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, programme financed by the Ministry of Economy. Under this research program, RATEN ICN specialists are involved in developing new methodologies for radioactive waste characterization, treatment and conditioning technologies for low and intermediate level radioactive waste, as well as performance and safety assessments for radioactive waste disposal.
The research activity is founded on modern and complex infrastructure and sustained by specialists with large experience in the nuclear field.
Role, responsibilities and activities within the Project
RATEN is involved in the all three Tasks of the WP2 and is leading the Task 2.1 - Methodology for pre-conditioned waste characterization.
Contact person
Crina BUCUR, PhD
Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti
Responsible of the RATEN RD&D programme
on radioactive waste and spent fuel management
Campului 1, Mioveni, 115400
Office: +40 248 213 400
Mobile: +40 741464552
crina [dot] bucur [at] nuclear [dot] ro